Here’s How to Spruce up Your Morning Routine


Here’s How to Spruce up Your Morning Routine

 Whatever you do — just don’t hit snooze! We understand that getting out of bed is hard. Some may say it’s the toughest part of the day. But once you’ve done it, the world is your oyster. And the more time you leave for a good morning routine, the more confident you’ll feel to take on the day. 

 Once you reap the benefits of productive morning habits, hitting snooze loses its allure. Instead, you’ll start your day in control, with your keys in your bag and an “I can do anything” mindset.

 Your relationships will improve as you have the patience to contemplate last-minute requests and take time to spend with those you love. But getting to the promised land is no small feat. It requires self-discipline and proper planning. 

 First, you’ll need to map out your morning. Things aren’t just going to happen on their own at sunrise (we wish!). And if you’re looking for somewhere to start, these morning activities are a few of our favorite practices to ensure productivity and prosperity first thing in the AM. 

 Let’s get to it! 


Meditation is a broad term. And there are many different forms. But in essence, this practice requires you to focus on something specific and tune out from the world around you.

 In the morning, meditation is helpful to visualize the day ahead. You can meditate on specific goals, mantras, or prayers to center yourself and align your priorities. And if you need an introduction to the peaceful world of meditation, the Headspace and Calm apps are great places to start. 

 We all know that unforeseen circumstances can wreak havoc on your stress levels. And although you can’t prevent every impromptu mishap, you can alter your capacity to handle them. With your priorities aligned and mind centered, you are far less likely to become unraveled by uncontrollable outcomes. Plus, you’re more likely to deflect into problem-solving mode.

 As you can see, meditation isn’t just for spiritual gurus. It’s a great discipline for everyone, regardless of their life path. Morning meditation can completely transform your attitude towards tackling challenges and achieving your daily to-dos. 


Some people are early birds. But some take a bit longer to get their cognitive works running. If that’s you, podcasts are an effortless way to ease into a morning routine. Choose something empathetic, empowering, and gently motivating.

 You’ll also want to download your podcast before hitting the hay. The last thing you need is a good dose of decision fatigue before the break of dawn! You should also save the loud, pump-up talks for later in the day. Instead, use this time to cut yourself some slack and soak in all the things that make you proud. 

 If you don’t know where to begin, try one of these:

  • Morning Rae by Allana Blumberg
  • The Morning Struggle by Jessie Shepherd
  • The Intentional Mornings Podcasts by Anna Balchin
  • The Flourishing Entrepreneur Podcast by Aleya Harris
  • The 5 AM Miracle Podcast by Jeff Sanders

 Even if you don’t have the mental capacity to do much first thing in the morning, you can still implement a healthy routine. Just allow someone else to give you the motivational nudge you need! The right podcast will leave you feeling ready to conquer the next twelve hours. 


You don’t have to be the next Fitzgerald to own a notebook and pen. Journaling your thoughts, feelings, and goals is proven to have remarkable results on mental clarity. The trick? Don’t overthink it. Find a journal (Amazon has plenty of options that will be on your doorstep ASAP!), a pen, and start writing. 

 We understand that not everyone has a jungle of thoughts ready to make their way onto paper. That’s why journal prompts are a helpful way to compartmentalize everything that goes on up there. You can get your journal cues from podcasts, books, or apps. Another fun idea is to start a group with friends or family and take turns offering prompts. 

 Here are some of our favorites to get you going:

  • What is one new thing you want to achieve by the end of the week?
  • How can you make someone else’s day better today?
  • What are ways you can show yourself love?
  • What are unnecessary burdens you can let go of?
  • Which body part are you most grateful for and why?

 You don’t have to write about the same thing every day. For example, on Mondays, you could set goals for the week. On Tuesdays, you could be prompted by philosophical questions. Wednesdays could be kept for feelings, and so on. And if something else is plaguing your mind, divert from the plan and write about it. The guide is simply there to avoid writer’s block before breakfast! 


You can’t avoid this one. Daily movement is indisputably good for you. Now, we’re not talking about running around the block five times and ending with a HIIT class. Although if that’s your thing, go for it! But a ten-minute yoga flow or a brisk walk in nature should do the trick. Exercise apps make a quick workout seamlessly straightforward – so you get ready to sweat! 

 We all know the physical impact of exercise, but the mental benefits are just as enticing. Research ties daily movement to reduced anxiety and depression. Movement is also renowned for clearing the mind and boosting self-esteem.

 If the weather permits, getting out into the fresh air is unbeatable. However, any physical activity is better than none. Use this opportunity to tune into a podcast or get lost in your latest favorite playlist!

Mix It Up

A routine doesn’t require you to do exactly the same thing every morning. But it does require commitment and habitual practices. So your Monday morning routine may differ from your Tuesday morning routine. For example, you could start every Monday by journaling your goals and every Tuesday with a podcast and walk (let’s call it a podwalk!). Whatever it is, wake up with a clear idea of your plan and don’t hit snooze. 

Get Your Own Space

Before you do anything, you’ll need your own space. Trying to tune into your inner self while your toddler is tugging at your pants probably won’t have that desired de-stressing effect. And neither will a thoughtful journaling session if your spouse keeps interrupting to ask where their clean shirts are. So, ideally, you need a room that you can lock. And a quiet place where you can’t be disturbed or distracted by everyone else’s demands. 

 If you don’t have this space for solitude, we can set up a gorgeous Granny Flat or she-shed in your backyard. After all, flourishing relationships and prosperous productivity both start with the right amount of me-time!

Take a look at our options here and be sure to send us a message if you have any questions. 

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At Timber Garden Cabins, we understand the importance of having space to live. Whether it’s a backyard cabin to pursue your passions, or a granny flat for a loved one or rental tenant to call home, our European-made timber cabin kits give you all the space you need.




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